Tuesday 31 August 2010

The Skins Style Party

Most time when I blog I can look back and smile even If It was embarrassing. This memory I look back on and absolutely cringe, It was one of the worst nights my life. So you might find this blog less funny than normal but I can’t tell the rest of my story without this blog.

So let me paint you a picture. I had just begun college and people had settled down into their friendship groups. Being part of one of the less ‘cool’ groups I began to think about ways to improve my popularity. It didn’t take me long to come up with the idea of having a massive party that people would talk about for weeks to come.

MGL “Hey Adam what you doing on the weekend on the 23rd”

Adam “Not much MGL”

MGL “Ah ok then, u fancy having a massive party round at your house on Saturday night”

Adam “Yes, yes I do”

So with the date set I began to invite the 150 people necessary for this massive party. My popularity was at an all time high. People were talking about the party, people were begging me to come, and people were talking about me. I was happy with the fruit of my brilliant Idea.

It was only on the Thursday before the party when I was on the bus on the way home when I began to consider that I may have made a mistake. I heard a group of people from a different college muttering words like “its massive” “every college” “going to be a huge party” when I started to think things might have got out of hand. But they may have been talking about a different party so I dismissed it.

Friday night came and whilst I was enjoying a quiet night in, my friend Adam was having one of the craziest pre parties I have ever known. As I was watching miss congeniality, Adam was roaring drunk at a house party held in his own house, enjoying a strip tease from three of the girls attending the party, when who should walk in but his committed Christian mother.

I forget the detail of what happened to Adam by wrath of his mother but the short of it was alcohol was hence forth banned from the house.

7pm Saturday night came, girls were doing their hair, and boys were also probably doing their hair, looking forward to what promised to be an amazing night. I was just receiving the news of the night before and realising that there would be no alcohol at my night’s events. I remember a horrible sinking feeling, and then panic shear panic.

Adam’s mother agreed still to host the party without any alcohol and she began to cook Nan breads and cookies for the party. Knowing that 150 teenagers and a nice social gathering with cookies could not mix I began to panic.

People arrived by the dozens, Taxi after taxi after taxi. It wasn’t long before 100 odd people were crammed in the room, annoyed about the banning of their alcohol and in the most awkward social situation I have ever been in. Imagine 100 people in virtual silence all glaring in your direction, and then things got interesting.

People started sneaking alcohol in, more people came. The climax of the night came when Adams mom found people had managed to consume alcohol despite her best efforts to keep it from the party. Everyone was kicked out of the house just 26 minutes after the first person had arrived.

So there I was standing outside, about 400 people standing outside the house where the best party of the year was meant to be held, some people in fits of laughter, some genuinely angry, and in the distance what was definitely another fleet of taxis. What a night!

In one night I had gone from social high to below social low. I had made some laugh so they were literally crying I had made some people so angry that they wanted to beat me up. Monday morning was not a pleasant experience, that’s a different story,


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